A man’s world…

Lately I have been increasingly frustrated with the injustices of the world around me and the forceful yet common sexism which hits me everyday and yet every time I try and put my ideas and experiences into words… they fail me.

And isn’t that expected.

How can one describe such a complex and massive issue, that controls every moment of our lives as woman, into a few paragraphs. I don’t think there is anything that exists verbal or physical that can adequately depict the problem that we face everyday.

However, while saying this, I do continue on my journey to try clarify and verbalize the problems I see in a approachable manner but this continues to be a slow process and I am angry now. I am angry and I don’t know what to do.

But I have always believed that flinging your emotional passions into various forms of art has to be productive in some manner so I ventured into the world of stream of consciousness and wrote a poem about how I am feeling.

The whole point is that it remains unedited so please keep in mind that the emotion is more important than the poetic devices. I am no Ingrid Jonker but I have tried my best. Here is a taste of angry-Jemma thrown at poetry (Please let me know what you think).



Everything that I want to be

Is dictated, told, created, informed, wanted

By you

Everything I am was decided by you and I cannot be anything and I cannot be nothing without it being your decision

And yet you wave it away

You tell me that I am free and I believe you

But it’s a lie

Because that freedom is still made by you

Not by me

And you don’t get it I scream and I shout and I cry and I pour my words out but they feel so useless

You say you understand

You say ‘you’re different

But you still don’t get it

You still don’t see

And I feel so alone in my quest-

You have each other, this big unquestionable force

‘Awe bru’

And my sisters?

My support?

You got them first and I’m pulling at the knots of their blindfolds but I don’t think I’m strong enough to get them off

Not yet

I feel so angry, so frustrated, so lost

Don’t you see,

I can’t discover, I cannot create, the smallest parts of my identity still belong to you and so it becomes impossible for me as me to make an impact on the world

I walk and walk but yet I do not move

What should I do…?

For I am just a little girl in ‘a man’s world’

By Jemma Richmond