Mom’s Closet

Hi all,

I know it has been far too long but here I am, back with a short fashion post as usual.

This one is a bit of a throwback from when I had my mid-semester vac in Johannesburg and I had left basically all of my clothes in Cape Town (for optimum bag space) and I delved into my mother’s collection of clothes.

You will probably recognize the jeans as being my own ripped, black, much-loved Mr Price pair and the blue clutch being a bright accessory that yes does belong to me but the rest of the outfit is not mine.

(Okay the sunglasses are mine but I am not mentioning those as they broke during this shoot at the tender age of two months – tut tut Woolworths I am unimpressed)

The top, oh the glorious top that I came very close to smuggling back to Cape Town, is my mothers. I don’t know where she found it but I think its obvious that a good fashion sense is something I inherited from the mama-bear. It is a light and over-sized white cotton shirt which elegantly bridges the gap between formal and casual. I think in the week I was home I wore the shirt three times (yes it is that versatile – perfect for university- wink wink mother).

The shoes, an item which has also been seen before on this blog, are also my mom’s and the only pair of her shoes that I can squeeze my feet into. I paired them with some cute frilly white socks and a confident walk and felt like I could step into the business world there and then and I would have fit in, or I could have been comfortable at a lunch with friends, or a fancy date… and really the list goes on.

It’s about time my mom’s closet got the spotlight as really she is where I got my initial inspiration from… maybe when I get back to Joburg you’ll have to have a whole shoot to yourself Mom!

x J

(oh and how cool is my cover, it is a strong cover for my iPhone 5 – needed as I am always dropping it – but the best part is it has my name on it. It is from a cute little shop called Macaroon in Joburg and is one of the best buys I have ever made

The UCT adventure begins

I have been neglecting my blog and I feel bad but this is not a promise that I will be posting lots soon. This is a brief pop in to show my face and say hello like an old friend who is only in town for a day. I have recently moved cities, living space, and learning arenas completely for the first time in my entire life. I graduated high school and by hard work and maybe a miracle or two I managed to get a place at the University of Cape Town including a place in university residence. I am completely overjoyed about this but it does mean that I had to pack up a portion of the last 18 years of my life in two suitcases and trek my way to the western province. I am in love with this place and delighted, excited and slightly nervous about being here.

Anyway the point is that I am here and it is incredible but currently I am being thrown at a mess of events and learning experiences and haven’t yet found my feet completely stably but I promise that  when I do you will be the first to know. Wish me luck and hopefully you will be following my journey in this incredible city too

Choosing sides – An alternate view on the Palestine-Israel conflict

Here is my comment on the current situation in Palestine and Israel. A controversial topic I do realise but definitely one that needs addressing. Basically this is a war over land between two nations who have at various times in history owned all to none of it. The conflict that arose out of this has now escalated to be about more than just land. Obviously the problem/conflict/whatever-you-think-is-a-liable-term-for-two-nations-liberally-trying-to-destroy-each-other is extremely complicated and has run on for years on a tit-for-tat fighting relationship with increasing aggression. A simplified version is needed when the conflict itself is older than even my parents.

The reason I am now more fully aware of and writing about the situation, is that it has recently escalated beyond all proportion. The bombing and killing which occurs between these two nations has made its way to the centre of the world stage (next to Putin vs Ukraine which is an issue for another day) and I, as a young, up and coming person, am forced to face these problems.

What I have found is that people feel compelled to pick sides. They pick sides because of religion, race, past war experiences, personal moral decisions, pride, bias, manipulation by their own countries’ bias, along with a myriad of other personal or national prejudices. My question is why? Why pick a side?

I myself have been asked such questions as ‘who do I believe is right’ and ‘who do I support’ and, although I generally try to stick up for the underdog, which in this case I do feel is Palestine, I have decided not to pick one. I don’t think any of us should. Not as people, organisations, communities or countries. If you are not a fan of the idea of ‘fence-sitting’ then picture it as picking the side of peace. I feel that by supporting one of these countries you are supporting what that particular nation is doing and in both cases that means that you advocate violence. At the moment the simple way of putting it is that both sides are trying to cause harm to each other (and yes I do realise that they each have their own reasons but I will get to that).

And it isn’t just you and me at grassroots level. It is also the big shots, the countries and their leaders who have chosen to support either Palestine or Israel. I don’t see how the great USA supplying weapons to Israel is helping peace be achieved. I see no freedom that they greatly claim to understand. I just see more reasons to fight and the more they fight the bigger the support seems to become. The conflict has been named the middle-eastern Apartheid and if this is true surely we should learn from the past. Something which made a huge impact on the National Party government’s decision to end Apartheid in South Africa was sanctions imposed by other countries which (unsurprisingly) America and Britain joined in with quite late, but as soon as they did things started to change and although there were other forces at play sanctions and boycotts made a huge difference. So I propose that we all sanction sports and boycott goods from Israel. And this includes no longer selling weapons to Israel which means the USA has to decide whether they choose wealth over morals once more. Yes you may notice that I only said Israel and that is not me being hypocritical but Palestine doesn’t really have anything to boycott. The country is currently in appalling conditions and I think they have bigger worries right now whereas Israel has created an image of strength and built themselves up quite well and so boycotts would make a bigger impact but still let us not send weapons to either country.

Now I do understand that some people will use the excuse that they have to support a specific country because they have religious affiliations with it. This is an inadequate excuse. With that logic every Christian in the world should have supported Hitler. Besides don’t you think by sending bombs into another country they are putting negative connotations with those religions? Again it doesn’t help save lives or achieve peace when Muslim and Jewish people are fighting worldwide.

A friend of mine asked me if either country was justified in what they are doing. To that I say no and yes. Yes because justification as a term is quite flexible and is personal to an individual system so I am assuming and hoping that both sides of this conflict, the Israeli military or the Palestine rebels do at least think they are justified and obviously both sides have had some terrible things done to them, by each other and outside forces, however I think we’ve gone beyond this to a point where each side has done enough wrong to each other for them both to be unjustified. It has gone past the point of justification. The violence, the ‘justified’ violence, isn’t solving anything and the problems which have led to this violence could just as easily justify a peace talk and compromise.

Children have died in this conflict. The people in charge have said that it was a tragic outcome and it was tragic but it was also a foreseeable outcome. As a human race we have gone into no war in our history which uses modern warfare and children haven’t been killed. Children are innocent. They have no control over their bias and in no world is it fair or justified to kill them. When enough people have died these two countries will have to talk or one will be gone.

If one country is gone, will that be a good legacy for the other country? Will it be honourable that forever they will be known for annihilating an entire nation? Will it be worth it? I don’t think so. And if they both survive and after they have killed too many people for the world to finally force peace what will have been the point of those deaths and the foreseeable death of more children? So why not cut to the peace talks now?

Jewish people do deserve a homeland but the Palestinians do not deserve to be kicked out of their own homes to achieve this. Somewhere between trying to settle roots and protecting their people Israel managed to do the exact same thing they were running away from to the people who took them in and from there it escalated. Both the Israeli and the Palestinian people are fighting for a safe ground, for a place they can call home where nobody is going to persecute them. They want the same thing so it needs to be asked… Why are they fighting?


(For anyone who, like me, didn’t fully understand what on earth was going on in the conflict you can watch this video I believe it explains the issue simply enough without pointing fingers too dramatically at one side – although it isn’t without bias.)

Little Sister

I have a little sister. She is 15 years old (almost 3 years my junior), her name is Cara and I love her dearly. She is my only sibling and although we can fight over anything and everything we are still what I would term close. When I say close though I don’t mean physically because for the last five weeks the closest I’ve been to my sister is hearing her voice over the phone because she has been on a grand adventure in India!

At my school we have various exchanges to schools all over the world and one is to a school in a town called Shimla which is situated in the foothills of the Himalayas in India. When I was 15 I went there and it was incredible. I loved it and it helped me grow as a person (for future reference I am planning to do a blog about India with my sister so watch this space!). It inspired me and it is one of the most interesting exchanges that my school offers so my sister decided to apply for it and five weeks ago she and two other girls set off on the trip of a life time. They saw Delhi and Agra and more… and have been attending Auckland House School in Shimla for just over a month now.
Tomorrow she comes home and I can’t explain what I feel.
I am ecstatic and excited to see her and have her explain every detail but I’m also slightly sad because to see someone you love experience something so amazing is incredible and I don’t want the journey to end for her. Obviously it has to so I’m mostly focussing on the excitement I feel!

But not having her here combined with the eagerness at getting her back has really made me think about having a little sister. I’ve always loved writing but I often find that I cannot express the depth of emotion which exists and this includes what I feel for my sister. It is impossible for me in words to explain what she means to me. My sister is my best friend, she is the one I ask (and trust) for fashion advice, the one who never puts my movies back in place, the one who cooks for me because I can’t, she is the one that talks to me in awkward moments, and she is the person who has stood with me, for me (occasional against me) looking out for my best interests in everything I do and I owe her big! But I have missed her and I do love her and she most definitely deserves an entire blog just for her (maybe she deserves a few more)!

Cara has this endless energy. She bounces about and talks nonsense and I promise you it is practically impossible to be in a bad mood around that. She was nicknamed the Duracell Bunny for her excessive energy when no one else had any. She is witty. I wish I was funny and could make clever come backs but I have given up the hope of that being me my little sister on the other hand is quickly getting the hang of it. She is a fast thinker and always has something sharp and unusual to say which will put everybody in stitches. Cara doesn’t fear anything, Ok I’m lying she is not one for horror movies, however she can and always has tried to climb up anything. I hated climbing but Cara would rather be a monkey that stay down on the ground with the rest of the world. She has brilliant taste in clothing (I think this may have something to do with my influence or at least I hope so). She is creative as anything. Her art and photographer are incredible and much better than mine were at that age (even at this age). She has this incredible perseverance and can-do attitude. You know when you come up with an idea that great and if your like me its going to remain a great idea because you and I never actually do them. Cara does them. If she wants to paint? She’ll paint! If she wants to run? She’ll run! My sister is also kind which I find is hard to do now days. People can often be selfish and Cara hasn’t grown that. She tries to be caring and helpful and all she wants to do is make sure that the world is ok and everybody is alright.

My little sister is a hundred more things and can do even more than that. She is incredible and she inspires me everyday. I Love you baby sister! I really do!


What is this blog going to be about? You probably want to know what you are getting into, right? The thing is that I am young and still finding out who I am so I have a lot of interests and a lot of things which I want to discuss but I will list a few of my top passions.

Firstly (which you will have gathered from my first blog entry) I love to read so this means that when the moment strikes me and when I have managed to tear my eyes away from a good book I will write about books that I have read, stories I’ve enjoyed, things that just shout to me from the very shelves that they sit on and numerous other things that a good bookworm must know.

I will also write (and this will have accompanying pictures –YAY!) about Fashion and my style. See I don’t want just a fashion blog because I feel like these are becoming a go-to thing for teenagers and I’d probably be more likely to drown, never to be found again, in the blogging world if I focussed solely on fashion but I still really love the idea of fashion and creating an individual style plus it’s a part of who I am so it must be included.

Then there is art. I am an art student. In fact I am head of art at my school. I am not the most talented artist or the most creative but it does grab deep inside my soul. I love the inspiration and brilliance that can be achieved through art and the peace that I get to feel when I have a pencil or paintbrush in my hand and when I have writers block this will be an excellent thing to put on my blog.

I am also going to write about South Africa because it is my home and I have this verging on unhealthy patriotism, not necessarily to the ever changing leaders but to the people, the culture and the land itself. Sometimes I don’t think I can truly express in words the beauty of this country but I’ll try because that is the least I can do.

I will write about the environment because I’ve been brought up to respect it and take care of it and I only wish to share that, to share ideas on how to help on the environment and to discuss its beauty because what are we without it.

Then there is food because we can’t live without it (and the procrastinating teen writing to you certainly can’t live without it).

I will also discuss social issues and current affairs when they are on my mind, in my face or topical because what happens in the world around us is important.

And (because I haven’t listed everything that exists in the whole wide world) I will discuss the interesting ins and outs of my life and my world.

I think I should come up with a catchy phrase to end each blog with. Anyone have any ideas?