First Fashion Blog – The International Collection

So this will be my first ‘fashion blog’ on WordPress. I am very excited but nervous so hopefully it goes down well but please remember I am still learning here.

Okay so today we went out for lunch so my sister and her friends could tell us about their trip to India. It was great. I wanted to dress nicely but not over the top as it was quite casual. So I went with jeans as a place to start. It is cold in South Africa at the moment so I needed layers and of course boots. The best thing about living in a house with other women is that you can beg, borrow and steal clothes from each other so the white jersey is my sisters and the shirt is my mothers.

I’ve called the outfit International collection because it just so happened that some of the clothes were from overseas. The ring was something my sister bought cheaply in India, The watch was hand-made and sent to me from a cousin in Japan. The pink button-up top is from Gap which my dad bought for my mom also from Japan. The jacket is from Cotton On which is Australian. The boots I ordered online so they could theoretically be from anywhere and well jeans are jeans I guess.

I really loved the pop of colour that the shirt gave as I am a sucker for just a little bit of colour plus I am really digging the whole collared shirt peeking out from under a jersey vibe at the moment.

What do you think?