Maxi Skirts, Plaid and a nail polish adventure.

This is a fashion post which I will talk about in three parts:

1. Why I love maxi skirts.

2. My view on the plaid trend.

3. The easy-to-do trick I tried on my nails.


1. Maxi skirts where a surprising trend which came about a couple of years ago when instead of the idea of wearing as little as possible people suddenly started going the old-fashioned route and covering up. As soon as I was exposed to this I had to try it out and bought the first one that I could find which suited me. I love this skirt It is too big for me as I have lost wait so I can’t wear it without a belt which is slightly annoying but I make do. It is high wasted which is brilliant for my body type. I think anyone who has a maxi skirt will agree with me that waking in it, walking with all this fabric twisting around you is an incredible feeling. Sure sometimes it can get in your way and you have to take careful precautions not to step on the thing but it is still brilliant. Also the thing I love about it is the mystery. You could hide anything under there. I could be walking around with a monkey strapped to my one leg and a string of fireworks to the other and no one  would have a clue about it. Would I want to strap a monkey and some fireworks to my legs? No I think that would end terribly but the idea that I could do it is very exciting. The other thing about maxi skirts is that you always look like a lady. Not in the derogatory sence but you can sit, stand and walk in any way you please and you don’t have to worry about looking ungraceful or flashing anybody (maybe if you intend to hang upside down in one you may have to be careful). When I wear a maxi skirt I also feel connected, connected to the upbeat forward thinking Fashion Gurus of this generation, but also to the society challenging hippies from the 70s and the graceful yet powerful suffragettes. All these woman wore (and wear) long skirts and they were strong. It is just an item of clothing but it makes me feel pretty good in it and like I can do anything. I am not going to start smoking weed, getting tattoos or throwing myself under moving vehicles but I could do those things when in a skirt like that.


2. The plaid trend. I love plaid but I barely ever wear it because it has been abused in one of the most over used trends of this year. It has become the most unoriginal fashion ‘do’ I have seen. I now can’t wear red plaid and tie it around my waist. Not because I don’t like it, I actually think that it is quite a nice look but it makes me feel like a clone. The saddest part of fashion is that everyone just follows each other. There are the few and I hope one day I can call myself one of them who are unique. They try new things, push the boundaries and have an out of the box style. Everybody else either don’t care at all and wear things which look just like pajamas or they follow. Fashion has become a sheep like entity where the everyday person has not clinical mind or thought when thinking of clothes. It’s sad how indoctrinating the commercial world has made fashion. Style is a dying art but I hope it can one day be saved. Because of this I find it uncomfortable to wear things that everyone else wears which is why my plaid is purple. I’ve never seen anyone where purple plaid and this gives me a little grin of satisfaction. It also scares the wannabe hipsters at my school because their fashion minds can’t quite grasp this glitch in their overused trend.


3. I love my nails. I love to paint them and take care of them and grow them long and beautiful but I’m bored, bored with plain old colours, so I thought try something new. I had painted my nails white but I wanted to give it an extra dimension. I had heard that people use sticky tape to make patterns on their nails so I decided to take the leap and try. I put the sticky tape at angles on each of my nails (I did one hand fully before the other because if it didn’t work the laziness inside of me didn’t want to repaint both hands). I then painted the neat little triangles gold. I was impatient to rip off the sticky tape and see what it looked like but I had to ignore it. I had to pretend that it wasnt there so I couldn’t let my impatience ruin my painting adventure. Eventually I took it off and it looked quite good. I must admit my angles  are not all equal but next time I will pay more attention to this. I ended off by painting clear over it all to prevent chipping and I was left with what I think is a pretty cool result. It was easier than it looked and it made me feel fancier than I look. If you are bored, like me, you should try it. You can do it with any colour you want but just remember to be patient.


Manhattan, Neighbourgoods and new jeans

This is a blog about all my adventures this weekend.

It started with a day shopping with a friend of mine. I am a fussy shopper and so didn’t end up buying much however I finally decided to give in and buy these incredible jeans from Topshop. They are quite pricey and now sit as one of the most expensive items in my cupboard but totally worth it. They are washed out ‘Mom’ jeans. They are high-waisted and fit like a glove. I feel great in them. I find it quite difficult to find a good pair of jeans that fits me nicely but I must admit that Topshop knows how to make jeans. I have been looking for a nice pair of high-waisted jeans and I am so glad I found them. Lets just say I am suffering from a little crush on this item of clothing.

My friends and I had been planning to go to the Manhattan Club that evening and I was all too happy to slip into my jeans for the occasion. I don’t usually wear crop tops but in these jeans I felt like a new person and so decided to wear a tight black crop top with it. It felt quite unusual for me because I’m usually dressed in quite a girly or mature colourful style and this look was definitely not that. I felt like a rocker and it felt good. I wore a friend of mines necklace. I loved how the long jewelery complemented the short shirt. I also wore a mix of different styled rings adding up to a total of 8. Yes I may have gone overboard but I love rings too much for my own good. I finished it off with my hiking boots. They are the only shoes I own that go with the hard-core look.

The reason we were going to the club was that I recently turned 18 and this is the legal age to party in South Africa. I don’t drink but I still felt that at the age of 18 I had to go to a club at some point. It’s almost a right of passage.

What did I think?

Well it was fun to begin with. We danced and partied and the atmosphere was one of excitement and joy. It was interesting observing the club lifestyle: the way people dress, what people drink, how they dance and act and the layout of the club itself was interesting to me who  obviously hasn’t done this very much.

So it was fun to a point and then I got over it very quickly. At about 12 after being there for 4 hours already I started to feel claustrophobic. My friends were drunk and I wasn’t, there were too many people and all the fumes from cigarettes, alcohol and I don’t want to guess what else were giving me a head ache and making me woozy. My temper was shortening and the guys. Trust me boys, when you are drunk in clubs your pick-up lines are awful.

I convinced my very drunk friend that we should go home and we left at about 1 which was probably a good thing because if we had left much later I would have ended up hating it.

On the way home my friend insisted on getting McDonald’s. I had a McFlurry as that is the only thing I can stand eating from the place. I took  a vow against McDonald’s a long time ago and smelling her burger in the car at 1 in the morning didn’t make me regret it.

I was very happy to see my bed when we eventually got home.

What does any sane person do after a night clubbing? Not what we did. We decided to go to the Neighbourgoods Market in town. If you live in Joburg or if you one day come to Joburg… You have to check this out. It is every saturday and it is a market which is filled with the most incredible sights and sounds and most importantly food. Waffles, Burgers, pies and everything else you can think of and it all tastes amazing. A lot of people from Joburg are scared of going into ‘town’ because it has a reputation of being dangerous. To this I tell you to get over yourselves. Stop cowering in your ‘picket-fence’ houses and go, run screaming with joy because this place is amazing and shop by shop it is lifting up the area. It’s a revolution which you should be proud to have an oportunity to take part in.

We spent a few hours of the late morning there. The weather wasnt great but the place was as amazing as ever. I love going there. I love watching the people and tasting the food.

I did not however feel so good when I got home. I think the partying the night before, the late night and the rich food didn’t make a good combination for me. I obviously don’t have a very good stamina for this kind of thing. I felt awful and went to bed at 5 O’clock in the afternoon and only woke this morning.

But it was worth the fun I had on the weekend.

An early spring

We had a day of sunshine yesterday. These days are rare at the moment however they are getting more common as we get closer to spring. I decided to wear one of my favourite shirts. I love it because I think the pattern is beautiful and I am a sucker for button up shirts. The skirt I must admit is my sisters but I do lend her clothes so we have a mutual agreement going on. My shoes are filthy dirty as I took them to dusty maths camp and haven’t had a moment to clean them but if you get away with dirty shoes it has to be sneakers so I figure I was okay. Then the accessories: I go through stages of caring about accessories but at the moment I am in love with rings. I have on in this outfit: 2 fingertip rings and 2 other rings. It took me a while to get used to fingertip rings but I now like the extra layer they give to your look. The other accessory to note are the sunglasses. I love sunglasses and I have more pairs than I need and this is my favourite pair right now. As I love bargains and am quite a cheap skate I managed to get these on sale for only R50 from Cotton On. Yes I did fall for the round-glasses trend but I am not sorry as I love them too much. I am lucky that I have the face for the glasses.

Anyway I enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and this is what I wore to enjoy it