Second-hand markets and Spontaneity

Last week I was feeling very spur of the moment and so (on a whim) I went to a second hand market with a friend of mine. It’s not that it’s an unusual idea to picture me at a second hand market (in fact I think I fit in quite well), that day however was one full of admin based activities and other errands and I had intended to keep it that way but had, with very little persuasion, in the end decided to throw that to the curb and go on an adventure. This took me to The Great Wizoo, vaguely crusty looking venue (I think an old sports club). It had makeshift tables and stalls put together in and around it like a five-year-old’s attempt at a puzzle and had a loud vibrant atmosphere… And if ever ‘hipsters’ existed they could be found there both buying and selling. I had (not expecting to do such shopping) only one hundred rand in my pocket to spend. Which, although hindered my buying abilities, was probably good in the long run as I couldn’t buy too much. I still however succeeded to buy a skirt, two shirts, a chain necklace and a cute little cactus in a mug (which is currently in need of a name – I want something typically South African but haven’t been hit with inspiration yet. Ideas?).

I also (borrowing some money for this part because by this stage the 100 was done) invested in a pretty henna pattern on my arm – another spur-of-the-moment decision.
When I was later putting together an outfit for my next fashion post I obviously couldn’t wait to wear some of my new clothes (throwing my original idea out the window – “dressing to mood – black is back”)
Anyway… Hence today’s look.
I have been searching for a midi skirt for a very long time – and I mean a very long time. But not only are they rare but the two I have managed to find didn’t fit me and were bad quality. So when I saw this one for only R25 I didn’t even hesitate. And I’m glad I didn’t. I love it. I like the vintage (yes maybe slightly granny-ish) pattern and the soft flow of the skirt. It fits me perfectly and I’m pretty sure I’ll never see another person wearing it. I paired it with an equally vintage looking, collared white shirt that I found in my cupboard after years of it not seeing the light of day. Yes maybe the collar was due to spending the day with hipsters but hey occasionally I follow the up-and-coming crowd. I then as a last minute (spur of the moment) thing I put on my still favourite necklace and which I’m sorry if you’re tired of but tough. I just got these new cute little white socks with a rim of lace around the top which I think are adorable, so adorable that I actually spent money on them myself. Okay and he’s maybe the dirty old blue sneakers are a bit of a let down and I’m sorry. I realise my current shoe collection is a whopping let down but it seems to be a fashion block for me right now which as hard as I try I am battling to pull myself out of I have not yet succeeded. The stylish world of good footwear still eludes me.
On an added note: this outfit makes me happy when I wear it which is always the best part of the look so I am pretty impressed.

x J

Vintage Fun

Before I start throwing my Cape Town adventures at this blog I have one last Jo’burg outfit that I must share. The look is fun and exciting but I have not had time to show it to you so as I sit procrastinating instead of doing my laundry I thought I would use the time somewhat productively and finally share this look with you.

The look involves an old vintage styled dress that I have and a hand me down red scarf. I was at the time in a good mood and I needed a look that would mirror how I felt. I grabbed this dress doubting its abilities to be fun but still willing to give it a try. I am glad I did because it lifted my mood even further. It is light and loose and when you twirl yourself in a circle while wearing it, it responds almost magically. The only complaint I have about this dress is that it has no petticoat and so I had to scrounge for one of my own and it is never good to add an extra piece of work to an outfit (for someone lazy like me) but when I am in a good mood I don’t mind nearly as much.

The scarf that I have tied around my head in a style to which my mother almost always gives a look of dismay, was my grandmothers and I like it because it seems like the typical red and white bandanna but when one gets closer one may realize it has more individual characteristics (this also makes me feel better about following the crowd).

I had to end the look with the white socks and sneakers. I realize it imitates a sort of school uniform look but that helped the feeling of having fun and being a kid again that the dress brought anyway.

The Polaroid went so well with the colour of my dress that I had to grab it to bring along besides one cant where such a vintage look with out recording it as a vintage (polaroid) picture.

I still think that a contributing factor to all dresses designs should be how well they twirl.

Enjoy your weekend and hopefully I’ll have new Cape Town inspired stuff up soon x